my writing journey

Almost Time for The Getaway: publication date, description, early reviews

Almost Time for The Getaway: publication date, description, early reviews

In a few short months, my newest mystery-thriller, The Getaway, is going to be published by Raven Books. Here are some of the key details. What’s it about? The official description: Welcome to Keeper Island, the private Caribbean paradise where the cocktails are chilled, the guests are not, and new manager Lola is hoping nothing…

Dead Ringer wins fiction prize at Lakeland Book of the Year Awards

Dead Ringer wins fiction prize at Lakeland Book of the Year Awards

I bumbled up to Penrith last month for the 2021 Lakeland Book of the Year Awards, the very picture of “I’m just glad to be nominated”. After all, there was no way my debut thriller, Dead Ringer, with its doppelganger vs. doppelganger showdown on the sinking sands of Walney Island in Cumbria, was going to…

Don’t give ’em a reason to stop reading – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

Don’t give ’em a reason to stop reading – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

One of my favourite pieces of feedback I’ve got on Dead Ringer is: “I stayed up past my bedtime reading it.” During one of my later re-drafts of the book, I did something bold. I re-cut all the chapters. I made them shorter and I changed the places where the chapters ended. My purpose (and…

Embrace the idea of multiple drafts – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

Embrace the idea of multiple drafts – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

I’ve spent a lot of my writing life harbouring under the delusion that my first draft needed to be perfect. Or close enough, anyway. If my first draft was a disaster, I was a failure. I still struggle with this perfectionism, but it’s good to remind myself that my first draft of Dead Ringer was…

You’ll have to rearrange your life in order to write a novel – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

You’ll have to rearrange your life in order to write a novel – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

If there’s one myth about writing that I hate, it’s the myth that great novels were written in snatched 5-minute bursts. “Get up earlier and write while drinking your morning coffee! Write in your lunch break! If you’re not writing while simultaneously making a risotto and changing a duvet cover, you obviously don’t want it…